423 Student ministries

Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

At 423 we are passionate about leading and building up the next generation of disciples for Christ. John 4:23 talks about a time that is coming where Christians will worship Jesus "in spirit and in truth." We want to help show the youth of Austin what it truly means to worship Jesus like this. 423 is our weekly youth group for 6th-12th graders to come together, have fun, laugh, worship, and understand the truth behind this scripture and so much more.
To stay updated- follow us on Instagram! 

Meet the team.

Meet the team that serves the youth!

Nick Gamez

Youth Pastor
Just as I have a passion to see my generation become leaders, I also have a desire to see the generation after I become radical, transformed followers of Jesus. My heart is to see this next generation know who and where their identity comes from, why they were created, and what their purpose in life is, which all starts and ends with Jesus.
Noah Scibana
MS Guys Leader
Growing up in the church, Noah felt the impact of how youth group and events molded his faith from a young age. His desire is to be part of that impact for this generation and guide them towards Jesus in a time that points away from Him.
Collin Sykora
HS Guys Leader
Keli Jimenez
HS Girls Leader
I'm Keli. A lover of Jesus, proud mama of my daughter, Jayla, but once a very broken teenager. I see a young generation full of potential but lacking encouragement, struggling to find their identity and purpose because they're often looking for their fulfillment from the world. I'm a youth leader because I want to help love the students, and lead them into finding their true and everlasting identity and purpose in Christ. This comes through prayer, devotion, laughs, cries, and quality time. And I enjoy almost every minuet of it! 
Kendra Jacobs
MS Girls Leader
My heart is to point this next generation to the only One who can give them true joy, fulfillment, and purpose. My goal is to love them to Jesus by guiding them to see their need and find Jesus as the answer. I’m honored to help direct their hearts to where their true value lies and how they can find new life and eternal security in Christ.

When We Meet

Fall & Spring Semesters

Wednesday Night's @ Northwest Fellowship
In the Next Generation Room from 6:30-8:30 pm
Pizza Provided

(We now are in the "Summer Sessions")

Summer Sessions

Wednesday Nights at NWF for Worship & Prayer! Meet at 6:30pm for pizza and worship will kick off at 7pm. Pick up is at 8:30pm. 

For more information or questions you may have, please contact nick@northwestfellowship.com. 

Contact Us

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